Do you like blowing bubbles? Shiloh and Zippy LOVE bubbles. We blow bubbles inside over the carpet and outside everywhere. One day, Shiloh and Zippy explored bubbles in different ways.
They blew little bubbles and big bubbles. They made bubbles fly slowly. They made bubbles fly fast. They made bubbles swirl all around. Shiloh mastered the art of blowing just right to get the most bubbles out of one breath.
Zippy discovered that you can use long grass blades as bubble wands. Just pinch the ends close together and swirl the grass in some bubble solution.
They even made bubble mountains! Bubble mountains are made when you blow lots of bubbles on top of each other. They had a special bubble blower that helped them do that. Shiloh made the biggest bubble mountain of all!
Sometimes we get bored because we don't imagine or try all the possibilities. One of the best ways to have fun is to explore something in a new positive way. You might discover a new game or a new favorite toy.
Jesus said in Matthew 13:54 about teaching truth in old and new ways, "Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old." Discover the fun and insights God wants to share with you as you study and play with "old" things in "new" ways.